'Leave Taking' by Winsome Pinnock, directed by Landé Belo, is a powerful play that focuses on Enid, a single mother, and her two daughters, Del and Viv, as they navigate cultural tensions between their British lives and their Caribbean heritage. Enid, who has worked hard to provide for her children, struggles to maintain her cultural ide
'Leave Taking' by Winsome Pinnock, directed by Landé Belo, is a powerful play that focuses on Enid, a single mother, and her two daughters, Del and Viv, as they navigate cultural tensions between their British lives and their Caribbean heritage. Enid, who has worked hard to provide for her children, struggles to maintain her cultural identity while her daughters feel disconnected from their roots, seeking a sense of belonging in their British surroundings.
The play delves into themes of identity, generational conflict, and the emotional weight of displacement. Enid believes in traditional values and looks to her Jamaican heritage for comfort, even consulting a spiritual healer. However, her daughters are frustrated by what they perceive as outdated beliefs, further straining the mother-daug
The play delves into themes of identity, generational conflict, and the emotional weight of displacement. Enid believes in traditional values and looks to her Jamaican heritage for comfort, even consulting a spiritual healer. However, her daughters are frustrated by what they perceive as outdated beliefs, further straining the mother-daughter relationship as they grapple with their mixed identities and aspirations.
Through raw dialogue and poignant scenes, Leave Taking highlights the complexities of immigrant life, the pressures of assimilation, and the pain of cultural estrangement. Pinnock skillfully portrays the struggles of a family caught between two worlds, giving voice to the unspoken emotional struggles of immigrant families across generations.
Author Winsome Pinnock with Q&A host Landé Belo
Cast with author
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